Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Israel, the Zionists, the “Jewish Lobby” and Iran

I am agnostic, and I see the world from a different perspective than most religious people. When you take religion out of the equation then you can become more objective on how you look at the world and its problems.

When I was in college I did read many books about philosophy and comparative religion – including from Christianity, Islam, Judaism to Hinduism, Buddhism, Sikhism, Confucianism and so forth….

I used to enjoy reading about all these religions, and the more I read about that subject the more skeptical I became about religion – any religion.

Religion is a subject that I don’t like to discuss about it with anybody. But I understand why most people need to believe in some kind of religion to be able to move on with their lives.

During my college days I read at least 10 or 12 books written by British Philosopher Bertrand Russell. For some reason he became one of my favorite writers at that time.

I remember reading one of his books at least twice:

“Why I am not a Christian” by Bertrand Russell (1927)

You can read about Bertrand Russell (18 May 1872 – 2 February 1970)


Enjoy these videos and other postings that I made on the Elite Trader Politics/Religion Forum about Israel, the Zionists, and the “Jewish Lobby”:

Look what the Zionists did in Palestine...

The Dirty Truth About Israel

The Khazarian Supremacy

Israel is planning to attack Iran

Israel and World War III


Here is some information that I posted over a period of time regarding Israel

It seems to me that the Zionists in Israel want to attack Iran – start World War III – and create a world similar to King Solomon’s reign around the year 1,000 BC. - a world that at its best had 50,000 people.

Yes, people of the world let's follow these “lunatics in Israel” and turn the world back in time, and reinstate the glory days of King Solomon’s reign around the year 1,000 BC.

If the “lunatics in Israel” want to turn the world back in time, and reinstate the glory days of King Solomon’s reign around the year 1,000 BC - a return to the stone age....Then we will have no need for people with Nobel prizes.

We would go back to a world based and very rich in superstition and Fairy Tales and nothing else....and a group of people who stayed lost in the desert for 40 years, because they could not figure out the way out - they were not the smartest bunch of people around at that time.

They represent nothing to write home about it....

The rocket scientists were lost in the desert for 40 years....

The period of time as recorded in Exodus was 40 years that Moses and his people were lost in the desert, ans they stayed there probably going around in circles until someone of the following generation was finally able to figure out how to get out of the desert. It took 2 generations for these people to figure out how to get out of a small desert.

Historical fact: Keep in mind that life expectancy at birth at that time was only 26 years.


Era............................Life Expectancy at Birth

Upper Paleolithic …................ 33
Neolithic …................................30
Bronze Age and Iron Age ….......26
Classical Greece …......................28
Classical Rome …........................28

Upper Palaeolithic period (broadly 40,000 to 10,000 years ago)

Starting around 12,000 years ago (10,000 – 5,000 BC)

The Bronze Age primarily took place between 3,500 BC and 1,200 BC
Iron Age (1,200 BC – 550 BC)

Classical Greece (5th to 4th centuries BC)

Roman Empire (1st century BC to 5th century AD)


August 26, 2012

SouthAmerica: By the way, as the article says: “...With a single purpose, Israel sits as the capstone over factions supporting the New World Order, thus fulfilling the longing dream of Zionism and the Jewish state reemerging in all it power and ancient glories the glories of King Solomon’s reign.”

It seems to me that the Zionists in Israel want to attack Iran – start World War III – and create a world similar to King Solomon’s reign around the year 1,000 BC.

Yes, people of the world let's follow these “lunatics in Israel” and turn the world back in time, and reinstate the glory days of King Solomon’s reign around the year 1,000 BC.


Here is the estimated world population from 10,000 BC to 2011 AD.
Total World Population in Selected Years:
Year…………..# of World Population

10,000 BC…………4 million people

The earliest evidence for prehistoric religion in India date back to the late Neolithic in the early Harappan period (5,500 BCE). That's when Hinduism religion started – and about 80 percent of world population about 4 million people were living in India and China.

5,000 BC…………..5 million
4,000 BC…………..7 million
3,000 BC…………14 million
2,000 BC…………27 million

Around the year 2,000 BC Abraham (the founder of the Jewish religion) is supposed to have migrated with his family into Canaan.

Egypt's king, Ramses II, is now thought to have reigned between 1290-1224 B.C. – this is supposed to be the time when Moses lived and the Jews had their Exodus from Egypt.
The first five books are called the Law, which were written and/or edited primarily by Moses in the early 1290-1224 B.C. .

1,000 BC…………50 million

In 970 BC King David is succeeded by his son Solomon.

In 721 BC the Assyrians overrun Israel, disperses the Israelites and takes thousands as slaves. Israel as a nation vanishes.

Let’s go back now to the year 721 BC when the Assyrians overruns Israel, disperses the Israelites and takes thousands as slaves. Israel as a nation vanishes. The year 721 BC is the end of old Israel, until Israel it is recreated by the British in 1948.

In 721 BC the total world population is estimated to be around 60 million people. Again 75 % of the total (about 45 million people) were living in China and in India – and that leaves about 15 million people scattered around the rest of the world.

The Israel that were destroyed in 721 BC had no more than 50,000 people living in that entire area of the world in small villages raging in size from a few hundred people to maybe 2,000 or 3,000 people on the largest cities.

Can anyone on his right mind justify the mess in the Middle East based on this story of a very small group of people who happen to have lived a long time ago?

500 BC………….100 million
200 BC………….150 million
1 AD…………….170 million


Here is the estimated world population from 10,000 BC to 2011 AD.

Total World Population in Selected Years:

Year…………..# of World Population

10,000 BC…………4 million people
5,000 BC…………..5 million
4,000 BC…………..7 million
3,000 BC…………14 million
2,000 BC…………27 million
1,000 BC…………50 million
500 BC………….100 million
200 BC………….150 million
1 AD…………….170 million
200 AD………….190 million
300 AD………….190 million
400 AD………….190 million
500 AD………….190 million
600 AD………….200 million
700 AD………….210 million
800 AD……….…220 million
900 AD…….……240 million
1,000 AD………..265 million
1,100 AD………..320 million
1,200 AD………..360 million
1,300 AD………..360 million
1,400 AD………..350 million
1,500 AD………..425 million
1,550 AD………..480 million
1,600 AD………..545 million
1,700 AD………..610 million
1,750 AD………..720 million
1,800 AD………..900 million
1,850 AD……...1,200 million or 1.2 billion
1,900 AD……...1,625 million or 1.6 billion
1,925 AD……...2,000 million or 2.0 billion
1,950 AD……...2,500 million or 2.5 billion
1,960 AD……...3,000 million or 3.0 billion
1,975 AD……...4,000 million or 4.0 billion
1,985 AD……...5,000 million or 5.0 billion
1,999 AD……...6,000 million or 6.0 billion
2,006 AD……...6,500 million or 6.5 billion
2,011 AD..........7,000 million or 7.0 billion (people by October 2011)

Note: If you do check various sources regarding the history of world population then you will find out that the various estimates varies a little from source to source for the figures before 1 AD, but at the end of the day their estimates are not too far apart.


History of the Bible

The history of the “Bible” begins with the Jewish Scriptures. The historical record of the Jews was written down on leather scrolls and tablets over centuries, and the authors included kings, shepherds, prophets and other leaders. The first five books are called the Law, which were written and/or edited primarily by Moses in the early
1290-1224 B.C. . Thereafter, other scriptural texts were written and collected by the Jewish people during the next 1,000 years. About 450 BC, the Law and the other Jewish Scriptures were arranged by councils of rabbis (Jewish teachers), who then recognized the complete set as the inspired and sacred authority of God (Elohim). At some time during this period, the books of the Hebrew Bible were arranged by topic, including The Law (Torah), the Prophets (Nebiim), and the Writings (Ketubim). The first letters of these Hebrew words - T, N and K -- form the name of the Hebrew Bible - the Tanakh.

Beginning as early as 250 BC, the Hebrew Bible was translated into Greek by Jewish scholars in Alexandria, Egypt. This translation became known as the “Septuagint”, meaning 70, and referring to the tradition that 70 (probably 72) men comprised the translation team. It was during this process that the order of the books was changed to the order we have in today's Bible: Historical (Genesis - Esther), poetic (Job - Song of Songs), and prophetic (Isaiah - Malachi).

After approximately 400 years of scriptural silence, Jesus arrived on the scene in about 4 BC. Throughout his teaching, Jesus often quotes the Old Testament, declaring that he did not come to destroy the Jewish Scriptures, but to fulfill them. In the Book of Luke, Jesus proclaims to his disciples, "all things must be fulfilled which were written in the Law of Moses and the Prophets and the Psalms concerning Me."

Starting in about 40 AD, and continuing to about 90 AD, the eye-witnesses to the life of Jesus, including Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, Paul, James, Peter and Jude, wrote the Gospels, letters and books that became the Bible's New Testament. These authors quote from 31 books of the Old Testament, and widely circulate their material so that by about 150 AD, early Christians were referring to the entire set of writings as the "New Covenant." During the 200s AD, the original writings were translated from Greek into Latin, Coptic (Egypt) and Syriac (Syria), and widely disseminated as "inspired scripture" throughout the Roman Empire (and beyond). In 397 AD, in an effort to protect the scriptures from various heresies and offshoot religious movements, the current 27 books of the New Testament were formally and finally confirmed and "canonized" in the Synod of Carthage.



Iran is home to one of the world's oldest continuous major civilizations, with historical and urban settlements dating back to 4000 BC – that means the history of Iran/Persia goes back at least 6,000 years from 2012 AD.

Many countries around the world are armed with nuclear weapons, but up to today only one country has used two of these weapons against other human beings – finally, the ultimate and the extreme act of human violence that can be inflicted against the people from another country such as the nukes that the USA dropped in Japan, in Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

The US mainstream media makes me sick, as usual they are not doing their job – for all practical purposes the US mainstream media is dying very fast, because they become obsolete and most people does not pay attention to them anyway.

I find interesting and at the same time crazy about how the United States (the new kid in the block) wants to tell Iran what that country can and cannot do.

Iran is home to one of the world's oldest continuous major civilizations, with historical and urban settlements dating back to 4000 BC – that means the history of Iran/Persia goes back at least 6,000 years from 2012 AD.

Most Americans are completely clueless about the history of Persia/Iran. They think that the Iranians are Arabs, and they have no idea that the Iranians are Persians.

Most Americans can't even find where Iran is locate in a world map, and it's too much to expect that Americans would know that they are Persians.

The US mainstream media and the US government want to convey to the American public and also to the world the idea that Iran is a primitive country in many ways and a primitive society.


Here is some information about the history of Persia/Iran:

Persian Empire/Civilization Iran Inventions History

Persian Empire/Civilization Iran Inventions Darius The Great Cyrus The Great

The Achaemenid Empire (ca. 550--330 BCE), also known as the Persian Empire, was the successor state of the Median Empire, ruling over significant portions of what would become Greater Iran. The Persian and the Median Empire taken together are also known as the Medo-Persian Empire, which encompassed the combined territories of several earlier empires. At the height of its power, the empire encompassed approximately 8 million km2. The empire was forged by Cyrus the Great, and spanned three continents: Asia, Africa and Europe. At its greatest extent, the empire included the territories of Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan and the territories of northern India, parts of Central Asia, Asia Minor, Thrace and Macedonia, much of the Black Sea coastal regions, Iraq, northern Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Palestine, Israel, Lebanon, Syria, and all significant population centers of ancient Egypt as far west as Libya. It is noted in western history as the foe of the Greek city states during the Greco-Persian Wars, for emancipation of slaves including the Jews from their Babylonian Babylonian captivity, and for instituting the usage of official languages throughout its territories. In universal history the role of the Persian empire founded by Cyrus the Great lies in their very successful model for centralized administration and a government working to the advantage and profit of all.

The Achaemenid Persian empire was invaded by Alexander III of Macedon, after which it collapsed and disintegrated in 330 BCE into what later became the Ptolemaic Kingdom and Seleucid Empire, in addition to other minor territories which gained independence after its collapse. Iranian rule was re-established in the region starting from the rise of Arsacids in middle of 3rd century BCE Engineering an Empire The Persians Cyrus Daryus Xerxes Spart Spartans 300 Iran Iranian Kings Hakhamaneshi Akamanchipersia civilization power iran persian aryan history empire achaemenid rome roman culture parthian persepolis cyrus


The Persian Empire


The history of Iran


Iran has not started a war with any other country in over 500 years

By the way, Iraq was the country that attacked Iran in a war that killed about 1 million people, and the United States was an ally of Iraq during that war.

In the world of 2012 one would expect that countries such as the United States and Israel were a bit more intelligent than they really are in dealing with their foreign affairs – the problem is that we overestimate all the time the level and degree of intelligence of the population of these countries.

They are not as smart and intelligent as many people believe they are.

The United States and Israel are provoking Iran every way they can to start another war in the Middle East.

I understand why Israel is so desperate to start a war against Iran – Israel is becoming irrelevant and obsolete in the new world of the 21st century at the speed of light.

It's a shame that the US mainstream media is in a coma, becoming completely irrelevant, and it's dying a quick death.

There's no one left with a minimum of common sense, and the ability to reason, and also with a basic ability of thinking, to stop the US/Israel aggression against Iran, before the new conflict spins completely out of control into chaos and massive destruction of human lives and so on....


September 17, 2012

SouthAmerica: The United States is probably the first superpower that let itself to be completely manipulated and influenced to the highest degree by an immaterial and irrelevant little country such as Israel.

In the 21st century makes even less sense for the United States to associate itself to this little country that is completely irrelevant (Israel) to the new world order – the world of the “BRICS.”

The real economic and financial action in the next 20 years will be generated in the world of the “BRICS” - and Israel means nothing to the world of China, India, Russia and Brazil. In the new world order Israel is nothing more than a little country (Israel is smaller than the state of New Jersey in the old USA) with a small economy with a GDP of $238.2 billion (2011 est.) compared with the state of New Jersey GDP of $ 497 billion for 2010, and a small population (about 7 million people, also a smaller population than the state of New Jersey with 9 million people)

When compared with other countries around the world such as Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa – the country of Israel is completely irrelevant.

It doesn't make sense, and goes completely against the self-interest of the United States as a country to continue this close relationship between the United States and Israel.

Unless the United States want to become obsolete and irrelevant even faster than it is happening – the close association of the United States with Israel will just serve as a distraction to the US government as the US economy and financial system become less important and influential in the new world order of the “BRICS” with half of the population of the planet and the place were the real economic and financial action is going to happen in the coming decades.

The United States can place all its eggs in one basket the Israeli basket and become irrelevant and immaterial at the speed of light in the new world of the 21st century - or the United States can wake up and start paying more attention to the world of the future.


John Mearsheimer & Stephen Walt - The Israel Lobby and US Foreign Policy

Professor of Political Science at the University of Chicago, John J. Mearsheimer, and Professor of International Affairs at Harvard University's John F. Kennedy School of Government, Stephen M. Walt, discuss their book, THE ISRAEL LOBBY AND U.S. FOREIGN POLICY.


Pat Buchanan: 300 nukes in Israel yet Iran a threat – March 14, 2012

Islamic wars have brought questionable benefit to the US over the last 20 years, former US presidential advisor Pat Buchanan, author of Suicide of a Superpower, shared with RT.

A new war in the Middle East will be a disaster for the US and for the world economy, he says. "I opposed the Desert Storm operation in 1991 cleaning Saddam Hussein out of Kuwait because, I said, 'This would only be the first Arab-American war.'" Looking at the number of conflicts in the Islam world that America is taking part in now, one cannot but admit that Buchanan was right 20 years ago. "You cannot replicate the Middle West in the Middle East," Pat Buchanan concluded.

From the time of the Cold War the US has military bases all over the world. Today, running a budget deficit of 10 per cent of its GDP, America simply cannot afford to continue "to carry this enormous burden, defending 40 or 50 countries around the world," Buchanan says, "We have to bring troops home." Getting rid of these bases essentially means dismantling the American Empire to help the US survive beyond 2025. America's crusade under the banner of ending tyranny in the world is "utterly utopian".


The Israeli Lobby - A Danger To The World – July 13, 2012


The Khazarian Supremacy

Zionism Exposed (Pt. 1) DOCUMENTARY

Zionism Exposed (Pt. 3) DOCUMENTARY

Zionism Exposed (Pt. 4) DOCUMENTARY


September 17, 2012

SouthAmerica: With the US Armed Forces decimated by over ten years of fighting wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, and all kinds of military adventures around the world, a victory of Mitt Romney in the US presidential election of 2012 means you are voting for the “DRAFT.”

If you vote for Mitt Romney you are voting for the return of the draft like during the Vietnam War – and you are voting to send the young members of your family to fight a meaningless war against Iran, and possibly the start of World War III.

It is time for the United States to think about peace, and not about war - and it is time for Americans to demand that the US government start to pay more attention and start rebuilding the US economy and try to fix the massive amount of problems that we have at home in the United States.

Please check these videos and let me know which part is not clear to you that Mitt Romney will start a war against Iran if he is elected president of the United States:

Mitt Romney Says He Could Wage War on Iran Without Congress' Approval - June 19, 2012


Republican Party debate 2012 on November 12, 2011- Mitt Romney said he would star a war against Iran...

Romney on A Nuclear Iran – and USA war against Iran


2012 Republican debate on CNN on the February 22, 2012

2012 Republican Candidates on Iran and Syria


Noam Chomsky: Iran is NO Threat (Oct 2011,University College London)


September 17, 2012

SouthAmerica: Boys and girls today we have a special episode of the hit TV comedy series “Israel and the USA are going to attack Iran...” - Today's special episode is called “The Boy Who Cried Wolf.”

Hah, hah, hah...

This is a very funny stuff, today when I received my copy of the “Financial Times” (UK) in the front page there is a picture of Nethanyahu saying: “Nethanyahu warns.”

The article said that Nethanyahu is trying to interfere with the current presidential election in the United States and during the weekend Nethanyahu appeared on two talk shows including NBC, and he said: “I have been “crying wolf” to the world for the last 7 years that Iran is only six or seven months away from most of the fuel they need to build a small nuclear weapon, but in Israel we afraid of this little nuclear weapon even though Israel is armed with over 300 thermonuclear warheads.”

Benjamin Nethanyahu's favorite bed time story since he was a kid


September 2, 2012

SouthAmerica: The Israelis don't make sense to me, they created their imaginary boogeyman (Iran), and we are supposed to play along with their make believe threat.

The United States also had for a long time its boogeyman - the Soviets are coming to get the Americans...Peekaboo.

It's pathetic the Israelis obsession with Iran - it's child stuff in my opinion....If the Israelis want to go really crazy they should imagine a few nuclear warheads landing in Israel - launched by Al Qaeda from Pakistan - by the way, Pakistan already have over 100 nukes that can light up the skies all over Israel.

The Nukes from Pakistan can be lunched at any time, and there are over 100 of these babies that can provide a very large fireworks effect all over Israel - but on the other hand there is the imaginary threat from Iran and their non-existent nukes.

We have been playing that TV comedy series for the last 7 years here on the ET forums and Iran"s nuclear weapons was supposed to be ready in 6 months since 2005 - this is the longest 6 months I ever saw.......and by 2020 the Israelis still will be crying wolf that the Iranian nukes would be ready just around the corner.....


Here is another episode of the hit TV comedy series “Israel and the USA are going to attack Iran...”

Hah, hah, hah...

This is actually a very sad episode for the United States, and Euroland as everything is spinning completely out of control, and the shit is hitting the fan in a big way...

Just keep in mind as you play along with these pathetic people - the USA/Israel created Iranian crisis is only a "Wag the Dog" strategy to take the attention away from the real crisis: a collapsing global economic and financial system based on the US dollar.

Anyway, here we go again "Wag the Dog" as fast as you can...


Middle East Meltdown and US Foreign Policy

August 24, 2012

SouthAmerica: Reply to Good Ole Boy

Let me clarify something first: I am agnostic, and I don't care which religion anybody follows. I have a bunch of people who are my friends and they are also Jewish – It makes no difference to me if they are Catholic, Protestant, Jewish or if they practice Buddhism.

I am against "Zionists" - "Zionism" is a political agenda, and it does not have anything to do with religion.

If I was going to put money in the line, and place a bet here is were I would place my bet:

That Israel is using once more the “Israel is planning to attack Iran threat” just to “Blackmail” and get an US government guaranty that the “gravy train” will continue coming from the old USA to Israel on a regular schedule for the next 4 years – Israel is using maximum leverage to get as much money as they can from the US taxpayer....


Middle East Meltdown and US Foreign Policy

August 26, 2012

SouthAmerica: Reply to Good Ole Boy

Let me clarify once again, because you missed the point: I am agnostic, and I don't care which religion anybody follows. I have a bunch of people who are my friends and they are also Jewish – It makes no difference to me if they are Catholic, Protestant, Jewish or if they practice Buddhism.

I am against "Zionists" like you - "Zionism" is a political agenda, and it does not have anything to do with religion.

And we have a long track record of Israel being aboard the US government “gravy train”and Israel is using one of its tactics to get as much money from the US taxpayer as they can, and once more Israel is using the “Israel is planning to attack Iran threat” just to “Blackmail” and get an US government guaranty that the “gravy train” will continue coming from the old USA to Israel on a regular schedule for the next 4 years – Israel is using maximum leverage right before an US presidential election to be able to get as much money as they can from the US taxpayer....

Your timing is perfect for a big worked before and it will work once again....and the old buggers who run the Israeli scam will be laughing all the way to the bank with their new loot.

Israel's economy depends heavily on the Gravy Train that comes year after year from the United States, and without this Gravy Train the Israeli economy would not be anything to write home about it.

Just keep in mind: the Gravy Train coming from the United States is about to reach the end of the road.

The best thing the Obama administration can do regarding US foreign policy it is to distance the United States from Israel, and stop funding that country and its non-sense.

The United States continued funding of Israel year after year is one of the reasons that peace it will never be achieved in the Middle East – the continued US funding of Israel is a major incentive for Israel to sabotage any type of potential peace deals regarding that part of the world.

Israel got addicted to the gravy train that comes from the United States year after year, and Israel will do anything to keep the gravy train coming on a regular basis in the future.

I wonder is Americans are smart enough to figure out that simple fact.

Basically you don’t need to be a rocket scientist to figure that one out – the gravy train from the United States is a major incentive for Israel to keep that mess in the Middle East going on in the future until Americans wake up and realize that the key to Middle East peace is to cut 100 percent any military and financial aid to Israel.


Definition: gravy train (an expression)
n. Slang

1) An occupation or other source of income that requires little effort while yielding considerable profit.

2) Income obtained with a minimum of effort

3) Easy money.


There are many things that are happening that gives us a clear signal that the relationship between US/Israel is reaching the end of the line.

We have reached a major turning point in global history and the world is changing as never seen before and there is nothing the Jewish Lobby can do about to stop the events that are already underway.

The world is changing faster than you think, and there is nothing you can do about it on your efforts to try to keep things as they were in the past.

Most countries around the world realized that there are more important things around the world related to the future such as India and China with almost 2.5 billion people than little Israel with 7 million people.

The reality is: Israel with 7 million people is immaterial and irrelevant in a global population of 7 and very soon 8 billion people.

The world don't revolve around Israel and its never ending troubles.

As the economic and financial power moves from Europe and the United States to the Asian countries – All the leverage that Israel has had in the last 60 years becomes completely irrelevant, and obsolete on this new world of the 21st century.

That's a fact!!!!!!!!

It's crazy for the United States to continue to give Israel all kinds of support as the United States has been giving in the last 60 years.

The world has changed in drastic ways, and even the United States is becoming a former superpower faster than most people has realized.

Right now the United States is going through the late stages of a life cycle of a superpower - all superpowers have the same life cycle: birth, maturation, old age and disintegration.

The United States and Europe have reached the old age stage, and now they are moving to the disintegration stage – and we can see signs of that all over the place.


August 26, 2012

SouthAmerica: Regarding the US government “Gravy Train” to Israel (that money pit) it is being delivered year after in the billions of US dollars – money that is very badly needed in the United States to help the states in the old USA that are all going broke one after another.

July 30, 2007

SouthAmerica: $ 30 billion dollars in military aid – for a country smaller than New Jersey – and about $ 8 billion dollars of this aid it is in cash

For a country with a GDP of around $ 140 billion dollars – why make peace in the area and risk losing the free ride.

Israel government annual budget is around $50 billion dollars including defense spending of around $ 10.5 billion dollars.

You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to figure out that a large part of the defense spending from the Israeli government annual budget goes to pay salary for the soldiers, pensions, health care, maintenance of arsenal including the nuclear arms and so on….

After all these normal expenses related to defense spending there is not much money left to increase the Israeli destruction capabilities. That is where the US military aid comes handy – and most of the bombs, guided missiles, and god knows what else that have been killing thousands of people in the Gaza strip, in Lebanon and so on – the carnage and death toll in that area comes with the compliments of the United States government – and all these deadly weapons have the label “Made in USA”.

Israel have been receiving military aid from the United States since 1973 – adjusted for inflation and in terms of current dollars probably the United States have invested over $200 billion dollars in military aid to Israel during the period 1973 – 2007.

The American investments in military aid to Israel during all these years are paying great dividends just look around in that area of the world – Lebanon, Gaza Strip, Iraq and so on…

And we usually use “Enron” as an example of what looks like a bad investment.

What would have happened if instead of giving all this military aid to Israel during all these years if the money had been invested instead in education, and a Marshall plan to help lift all boats in that area of the world?

I don’t blame the Israelis from wanting to keep the "gravy train" coming to Israel on a regular basis.


Middle East Meltdown and US Foreign Policy

August 27, 2012

SouthAmerica: Reply to Mercor

I met a number of Iranians over the years, and they are too smart to start a nuclear attack against Israel or anybody else for that matter. Iran is a country with a highly educated population, and I don't believe they would start a nuclear war with any country – they are too smart as a people to do such a foolish thing.

The Israelis like to pick on the Iranians, because Iran it does not have nuclear weapons. When the reality is: the Israelis should be shitting on their pants regarding a possible nuclear attack from Pakistan – a country that is unstable and it can collapse at any time – and a country armed with over 100 nuclear warheads – and the missile systems necessary to deliver all these nukes around Israel.

Here is what I wrote a number of times over the years about a solution and how to solve the crisis in the Middle East very quickly.

By the way, Ron Paul also agree with me that the United States should cut all kinds of aids to Israel.

Israel is "barking at the wrong tree"

March 27, 2010

SouthAmerica: I wonder if the United States will ever wake up and realize that its close association with Israel goes completely against the short and long-term self-interest of the United States as a nation.

The longer the American people take to realize that fact the more costly it will be for the United States as a nation in terms of US dollars, prestige, and influence around the world.

The best thing the Obama administration can do regarding US foreign policy it is to distance the United States from Israel, and stop funding that country and its non-sense.

The United States continued funding of Israel year after year is one of the reasons that peace it will never be achieved in the Middle East – the continued US funding of Israel is a major incentive for Israel to sabotage any type of potential peace deals regarding that part of the world.

Israel got addicted to the gravy train that comes from the United States year after year, and Israel will do anything to keep the gravy train coming on a regular basis in the future.

I wonder is Americans are smart enough to figure out that simple fact.

Basically you don’t need to be a rocket scientist to figure that one out – the gravy train from the United States is a major incentive for Israel to keep that mess in the Middle East going on in the future until Americans wake up and realize that the key to Middle East peace is to cut 100 percent any military and financial aid to Israel.


'US becoming increasingly isolated' – August 29, 2012

The United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon has arrived in Tehran to take part in the Summit of the Non-Aligned movement... that's a bloc of countries that don't consider themselves in union with the U.S.

Washington has voiced criticism of the UN chief's visit to Iran and of the gathering in general.

Despite Iran's willingness and ability to help find a solution to the Syria crisis, any ideas put forward by Tehran could be met with resistance, says author and journalist Afshin Rattansi.


Middle East Meltdown and US Foreign Policy

September 11, 2012

SouthAmerica: I am glad that President Barack Obama is telling Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for that "Anti-Christ" to go and screw himself.

I am agnostic, and when you take religion out of the equation, and use common sense on your analysis then you realize that it is crazy all this wasted money that the United States has been throwing out all these years regarding Israel.

Americans finally has started to grasp that it is not in the self-interest of the United States to be so close to Israel - a country that is a lose cannon, and it's completely out of control.

If the United States continues to give so much blind support to Israel that it will be the end of the United States.

It is insane all the support that the United States has been giving to Israel all these years.

Anyway, “the party is over,” and Israel it will be completely irrelevant as a country in the 21st century, where the real economic and financial action will be generated by the BRICS - Israel means nothing in the world of China/India and the new world order of the 21st century.


September 11, 2012

SouthAmerica: General Martin E. Dempsey – Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff - In this capacity, he serves as the principal military adviser to the President Barack Obama.

General Dempsey said recently that he does not want to be an accomplice of Israel regarding an attack against Iran.

I am glad that the United States still have some generals that use common sense regarding a very important decision about sending Americans young men to a new crazy war, because today Israel has an insane leader and a real moron: the "Anti-Christ", the insane Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

'Israel desperate, US not in position to do anything about Iran' – September 11, 2012

Israel has urged the U.S. to set up definite 'red lines' over the actions of Iran which - if crossed - would lead to an aggressive response, including an American-led attack. Washington has so far asked Israel to cool down its rhetoric on the issue to give talks and sanctions a chance. RT talks to writer and journalist Afshin Rattansi.


Middle East Meltdown and US Foreign Policy

Reply to Navin Johnson

You left out this part of the above quote:

Israel tried to kill General Dempsey (the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff) a few weeks ago, and now another ally of the United States killed a few Americans in Libya.

With friends like that, who needs enemies?


In a Nutshell:

August 28, 2012

SouthAmerica: I understand that the neurotic, and warmongering Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Nethanyahu is also a raving lunatic, but by trying to assassinate an American General he has crossed the "red line".


Planned war on Iran and the General who said No! - August 22, 2012

US General Martin Dempsey, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff

Today, General Dempsey, Chairman of America’s Joint Chiefs of Staff, the man who flew to Tel Aviv and informed Netanyahu that America wanted no part of his scheming against Iran was the subject of an assassination attempt in Afghanistan.

This wasn’t an act of terrorism or Taliban militants. It was a “mob hit” against someone who failed to kiss the feet of Netanyahu. His response was to unleash killers, not a fact for the public but a fact just the same, one the American military knows very well. Netanyahu has a problem with “hubris.”

The culprits, “militants,” managed to escape undetected from the most sophisticatedly defended real estate on earth, the perimeter of Bagam Air Force Base. Lucky for them they attacked at night, a time when America’s 5th generation night vision, ground radar and other detection systems were mysteriously disabled.

The rocket detection systems, early warning blimps with ground penetrating synthetic aperture radar and the continual coverage by UAV drones using infrared detection, $2 billion in technology on this one perimeter alone, cost the plane of America’s top military commander and wounds were sustained by two crew members.

Dempsey had just left Tel Aviv where he told Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu the following: “I may not know about all of [Israel's] capabilities, but I think that it’s a fair characterization to say that they could delay but not destroy Iran’s nuclear capabilities.”

Dempsey then told waiting reporters:

“We compare intelligence, we discuss regional implications, and we’ve admitted to each other that our clocks are turning at different rates, we have to understand the Israelis; they live with a constant suspicion with which we do not have to deal.”

There are those close to President Obama who don’t accept the attack on Dempsey at face value, with a public admission by the Taliban of complicity. Such statements, which would certainly cost dearly in reprisals by the US, are most often found on Internet sites lacking a credible connection to any Islamic source.

To some Americans, the attack appears to be a reprisal against Dempsey who, out of coincidence, cited the motive in his own appraisal of Israel’s judgment, their “constant suspicion.”

News agencies buried the failed attack, knowing Dempsey is hated by Netanyahu and respected by the Taliban as both “truthful and fair.”

Netanyahu longs for the days when General Myers held Dempsey’s job, under Bush (43), both flawed and narcissistic, predictable puppets, the perfect fodder for Netanyahu’s machinations.

Only two weeks ago, Presidential hopeful, Mitt Romney, returned from a trip overseas, coming back to America with $60 million dollars collected in Israel and Britain while accompanied by Casino boss Sheldon Adelson who’s Las Vegas and China organizations have long been reputed to be the center of worldwide organized crime.

The business, gambling, drugs, prostitution, money laundering and now war, is seeking its own president and war on Iran is the only issue driving the American campaign.

Romney, as a state governor, was, if anything, to the “left” of President Obama. Romney’s support of government health care and widespread gun controls run totally opposite to the core constituency of the Republican Party, the weapons lobby and the medical racketeers.

Romney has found, however, that, though it is illegal for any American candidate to accept money overseas, while overseas, from overseas, at home from those who are citizens of other countries, he feels himself above the law, in the sweet and motherly arms of the Israeli controlled American media.

Now drowning in illegal cash, much from London bankers, his most interesting catch was the private dinner he shared with the Tel Aviv “blood diamond” smugglers who donated up to $25 million dollars in one night.

Key to his financial successes is his lifelong history of working closely with organized crime. His investment company, Bain, was funded initially by cash infusion from El Salvador death squads many years ago. These investors are still at his side despite charges of mass murder and corruption.

Bain Capital is Romney’s money laundering and tax avoidance company with thousands of secret bank accounts in “safe havens” around the world, invisible billions, hidden transactions, unseen profits and unseen “clients.”

Now Romney has found the “mother of all causes,” selling the promise of an American war, fought by Americans, financed by Americans, American dead, American blood, American collapse, a war demanded by, not Jews of the world but by organized crime groups operating through Israel’s Likudist party, dominated by the Koch Brothers, American gasoline speculators, Sheldon Adelson, whose reputation would fill volumes and Rupert Murdoch, whose spy organization is now proven to have blackmailed three consecutive British government, well proven, and likely to have been even more successful in the United States, Germany, Canada, Australia and a dozen other nations.

Most embarrassing to both Russia and the United States has been the ability of criminal organizations to secure sanctions against Iran when both nations are burdened by official reports stating with comprehensive clarity that Iran has no nuclear program.

Even more embarrassing for Russia, who refused to veto sanctions as they did with Iran’s ally Syria, is the fact that Iran’s peaceful nuclear program is built, in near entirety on Russian technology, a Russian nuclear reactor and 3000 Russian technicians.

Statements by Obama directly contradict America’s National Intelligence Estimate. The estimate stated that Iran has no nuclear program. Russia’s Putin has similarly ignored, not just his own intelligence agencies but the fact that Russia is actually building Iran’s reactor and has 3000 technicians in Iran, all of whom probably are not entirely deaf and blind.

...The carefully choreographed and very public attempt on the life of General Dempsey is a greeting card from the Adelson/Romney/Netanyahu camp.

Several appropriate responses, RSVPs as it were, come to mind, some partially fatal. Is an American president really the leader of the free world, as we so often say, if any “two bit thug” can dictate policy?

...What drew Adelson, Romney and even Putin to Israel at this critical time as the world sits on the brink of nuclear war over Syria is simple. We are again reminded of Putin’s visit to Israel.

No Israeli citizen was spoken to, no public concerns were addressed, no, a visit to Israel is a visit to the “safe haven” for worldwide organized crime that controls and manages the vast and endless wealth of the Russian continent as easily as it runs Britain or dances its Washingtonian puppets into discarding laws and traditions and becoming a surrogate bully, not for a nation but for an international criminal conspiracy.

The language of politics must be replaced with the language of crime as the solutions to what are misconstrued as political problems are and have long been responses to the depredations of criminal organizations.

It isn’t as though Iran were the only target, simply the public target where control of the United Nations Security Council can be exercised, a demonstration of the raw power of evil.

The mistake made by so many is to use principles of geopolitics to describe the world condition, the continual entropy, the centralization of wealth and the rapid deterioration of human rights as wars rage without end.

Even the educated classes, searching for patterns and rationales to explain how 2000 trillion dollars represented by “derivative debt” could encumber all the world’s currencies, a staggering amount created by an unseen hand through a process none have yet been able to describe.

Debt, or as it is known in criminal circles as “loan sharking,” is the business of the world. Controlling currencies was not enough, thus controlled governments, bribed, threatened, blackmailed and bought looked away while the wealth and hope of a hundred generations was stolen overnight, a few lines of text, a few entries on computers and generations of our progeny are changed, in that moment, from citizens of the world to “useless eaters,” as Henry Kissinger would describe them.

Armies may march, air forces may bomb, drones may attack but none of this is war or politics, nor has it been for centuries. This is where we went awry. We chose to play chess while our opponents simply put a pistol on the table and emptied our pockets.

America is living this today, as it looks on an upcoming election. The very few can escape the packaged news, scripted in Hollywood or Washington or Tel Aviv, our political life is a theatrical production, a comic tragedy without the Shakespearean irony.

This is a government that Sheldon Adelson, the man who believes he will be America’s real next president, believes he can take to war, a systematic conquest of the Middle East and Central Asia, done for the criminal elements some call Israel, done, quite simply, to prove the power of evil over good.


The Cruel God of the Hebrew Bible

The Hebrew scriptures are one of the most violent collections of literature the world has ever produced.
It records the history of a violent world, and of a necessarily violent people within that world. There is no excusing that violence. There is no minimizing the horror of that violence.

One of the most obvious examples of this is the story of Abraham and the sacrifice of Isaac.
Rather than glorify and exaggerate the qualities of their leaders, they systematically unveil their flaws, corruption, and crimes. Rather than suggesting that the victims “deserved it”, they show us that the ones being killed by Jewish heroes were actually innocent.

The more we look into this, the more amazing it is. Moses, Solomon, David - all of their sordid affairs, murders, and conspiracies are clearly laid out. The more highly regarded a figure is in Jewish culture, the more the text focuses on their corruption. Rather than justifying their actions or their violence, the text lays out just how bad it really was. Rather than suggesting that these leaders were “in the right”, it shows us that they were unquestionably in the wrong.

Thus the profound irony of seeing the Hebrew bible as a book of violence and bloodlust. All of these things are there because the authors are trying to capture and expose the unflinching truth of their world - a world in which everyone was involved in murder and scapegoating. They include violence not to condone it, but to reflect it back, so that the world could see its horror.

"The Binding" is a story from the Hebrew Bible in which God asks Abraham to sacrifice his son, Isaac, on Mount Moriah. The account states that Abraham "bound Isaac his son" before placing him on the altar, resulting in the popular name for the incident.

According to the biblical story, God commands Abraham to offer his son Isaac as a sacrifice. (Genesis 22:5 and 22:8). After Isaac is bound to an altar, the angel of God stops Abraham at the last minute, saying "now I know you fear God." At this point Abraham sees a ram caught in some nearby bushes and sacrifices the ram instead of Isaac.

The Book of Genesis does not tell the age of Isaac at the time. While it is often presented that Isaac was a small child, verse 6 of Chapter 22 indicates that Isaac was at least grown enough to walk alongside Abraham up the mountain carrying the load of wood that his father had gathered

Abraham and the sacrifice of Isaac

According to the Hebrew Bible, Israelites were the “chosen people” of God. The name Hebrews is sometimes used synonymously with "Israelites".

Here is how we can reconcile the “Cruel and violent God of the Hebrew Bible” with the “Prophecies of Nostradamus”: It's God's will to sacrifice the “chosen people” and that it would be consistent with many of the violent stories of the Hebrew Bible.


Middle East Meltdown and US Foreign Policy

09:23 PM
L-Kabong: I did watch the video, but the speaker struck me as a crackpot narcissist trying to gain attention with far flung theories supported by leaps of logic, erroneous assumptions, nebulous conspiratorial suggestions, and no hard evidence.

I can see why you find an inherent kinship with these people.

You married a palestinian, didn't you. Is she good poontang? I never had a Palestinian.

Palestine does not exist. Israel does. That's a fact. The Zionist movement prevailed. The Jewish state is here now, has been here since 1947, and will remain so in perpetuity. It's God's will.


September 14, 2012

SouthAmerica: Reply to L-Kabong

Now you're showing your true colors – you are just another crazy “Zionist” trying to make waves.

You have picked the wrong guy to fight about religion, since I don't believe on these “Fairy Tales.”

I am agnostic and religion means nothing to me, and I don't care which religion anybody practices.

But you mentioned that you are a crazy “Zionist” which does not have anything to do with religion, since that is just a political movement with a political agenda of the radical right.

But since you believe in religion, you probably also believe on the “Prophecies of Nostradamus” and that is a timely subject because what is happening in the Middle East.

The “Prophecies of Nostradamus” say that a “Third World War” would start in the Middle East by the third “Anti-Christ” sometime around our time - The first two “Anti-Christs” Nostradamus predicted were Napoleon Bonaparte and Adolf Hitler.

Based on his actions regarding bombing and killing of the Palestinian people, sending death squads to assassinate people in other countries, and so on... - today it is obvious to the entire world that the third and final “Anti-Christ” that Nostradamus predicted it is the neurotic, insane, lunatic and warmongering Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Nethanyahu.

The third “Anti-Christ's” destiny is made clear by Nostradamus – unlike the first two, he is the first to die in a war he initiates by a rocket falling out of the skies.

It's God's will: accordingly to the “Prophecies of Nostradamus” the third “Anti-Christ's” destiny is made clear by Nostradamus – unlike the first two, he is the first to die in a war he initiates by a rocket falling out of the skies - that means that they are going to lite up the skies of Israel for the last time - I guess with nuclear fireworks.

I hope you will be able enjoy yourself, before the demise of Israel as per the “Prophecies of Nostradamus”.

Bye, bye.....happy dreams....


Middle East Meltdown and US Foreign Policy

September 14, 2012

SouthAmerica: Reply to L-Kabong

I was also going to place your name on my ignore list.

By the way, there are enough crazy people out there who will be glad to see that the “Prophecies of Nostradamus” would come to pass even if that would mean to incinerate the entire Middle East into a big ball of fire.

I guess in the near future another of the “Prophecies of Nostradamus” will come to pass.

PS: I am glad I don't live in the Middle East.

Bye, Bye......Adieu.....Sayonara....


Copyright © 2012 by Ricardo C. Amaral - All rights reserved
Ricardo C. Amaral - Author and economist
He can be reached at:


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